Adoption is a choice that must be considered in depth, with regard to what is best for birthparents, adoptive parents, and children. Whether closed, semi-open, or open adoption is the best choice for your family, contact a qualified adoption agency. For further support, please look at these links:
For birthmothers:
On Your Feet Foundation is a group dedicated to empowering birthmothers.
I Choose Adoption gives information for birthparents, adoptive parents, and other family members on the benefits of adoption.
The Child Welfare Information Gateway has a document detailing open adoption, if you are considering that option.
For adoptive parents:
This document can help you to find and locate post-adoption services.
The Center for Adoption Support and Education helps fostering and adoptive families navigate the adoption process and find resources for their families.
Finally, look for local resources and support groups! Many cities have local adoption support groups.