Housing costs are overwhelming to many. Trying to embark on your own—or with children—is expensive. With some creativity and resourcefulness, you can make it within your reach.
For Single People:
- Buy and plan to share with roommate(s) or rent together.
- Move back in with or stay home with parents or grandparents and pay yourself rent until you have enough money for a down-payment.
- Be a doula or choose other live-in jobs.
- Consider jobs that include dorm-style housing such as military, and perhaps fire and rescue.
- Consider going or returning to school and living in the dorms or family housing.
For Families:
- Encourage intergenerational living*. When there are grandchildren, parents and grandparents could consider buying a home together. A basement may be reconfigured so it has its own entrance and kitchenette—or consider having a room built-on if possible. This can also be swapped when adult children are living in separate quarters. As grandparents age, they need less room and could switch.
- Rent part of your house* or have foreign exchange students live with you for part or all of the year.
For Moms:
- Look for other moms to share housing costs (and childcare!) together. Check out https://coabode.com/.
- Maternity homes can be a great solution for some pregnant women and new moms.
For Those in Crisis:
In addition to maternity homes, if you are in a situation experiencing abuse, seek out domestic violence shelters. Check out these articles for more help:
- https://womendeservebetter.com/do-you-know-the-signs-of-intimate-partner-violence
- https://womendeservebetter.com/when-you-need-to-call-for-help-domestic-violence
- https://womendeservebetter.com/how-to-get-help-if-you-are-being-trafficked
Is Moving an Option for You?
- Move to where you can afford it* and telecommute, use mass transit for a long commute, or go hybrid alternating days when you work from home.
- Consider if a tiny house is right for you.
- Live in an RV where it is legal to do so.
- Look for places that offer rent stabilization.
Increasing Your Resources
- Apply for public assistance. Visit your local social services office or website for information on how to apply for housing help, food stamps, child care assistance and other programs. Find more tips here: https://womendeservebetter.com/where-to-find-help-paying-for-housing
- Save. Save. Save: Cut vacations and splurges. Use cash. See more strategies in the articles listed below.
- Look for higher paid work.
- Get a second job.
- Consider jobs that deduct rent from your pay such as the tourism industry.
It may be tough for a while, but with consistent effort, you should be able to get through this difficult time.
For more help on Housing, check out these articles:
- https://womendeservebetter.com/where-to-find-help-paying-for-housing
- https://womendeservebetter.com/your-housing-rights-leases-landlords-and-children
- https://womendeservebetter.com/tips-for-buying-your-first-home
- https://womendeservebetter.com/what-are-tenant-unions-and-how-can-they-help-you
See other cost savings ideas here:
- https://womendeservebetter.com/frugal-food-strategies
- https://womendeservebetter.com/10-ways-to-save-on-monthly-expenses
- https://womendeservebetter.com/5-tips-to-get-kids-clothes-for-less
- https://womendeservebetter.com/getting-around-for-less-money
By Serrin M. Foster, Editor-in-Chief and Joyce McCauley-Benner, Editor
**Contributions from Cynthia Wood, Bethanie Ryan, and Bella Martino