As your little miracle continues to grow in your womb, naturally the time comes to start thinking about setting up her or his new room. Ideally it will be comfortable for you and your little one as well, as functional.
According to pediatrician Scott W. Cohen, M.D., it is easy to overbuy items for babies. In his book, Eat, Sleep, Poop: A Common Sense Guide to Your Baby’s First Year, he lists the essential items needed for newborns. The first 8 sections below are from pages 256 and 257 of the book’s “Newborn Must-Haves Checklist”:
- Sleep: crib, crib mattress, mattress pad cover, fitted sheet
- Travel: car seat, stroller, diaper bag
- Clothing: onesies/sleepers, swaddling blanket
- Changing: changing table with pad/soft rug or mat, diapers, gauze/baby wipes, diaper cream
- Bath/Hygiene: infant bathing basin, sponge/washcloth, baby soap and moisturizer, nail file/clippers
- Medications: infant and children’s acetaminophen (Tylenol), children’s diphenhydramine (Benadryl), electrolyte replacement fluid (Pedialite), antigas/colic remedies (Mylicon, Gripe water, and Hyland’s Colic Tabs), sunscreen, insect repellant
- Accessories: digital thermometer (rectal and axillary/underarm), pacifier, bulb syringe, saline nasal spray, gum/tooth cleansers, hand sanitizer
- Feeding: bottles (4 ounces), nipples (level one), breast pump, freezer bags, nursing pads, nursing bra
A few more items which I plan to use, in addition to the list above:
- Health/Hygiene: NailFrida SnipperClipper (baby nail clippers), NailFrida SnotSucker (to clear baby’s stuffy nose), and medicine dispenser/pacifier (AccuDose Pacifier)
- Baby monitor
- Rocking chair
- Bassinet (baby can sleep in this near you in the bedroom in the baby’s early days, if desired)
- Boppy
- Baby socks and hats, and cute baby clothes, of course!
- A mirror, to look into with my baby. I heard babies love mirrors.
This is not necessary but something like this looks helpful:
- Baby Trend Deluxe II Nursery Center
Some strollers come with a car seat attachment, so for example, you can take your baby out of the car and put her or him and the car seat directly onto the stroller.
Enjoy this stage of pregnancy!
By Mary Piescik