If your kids are going around the neighborhood trick-or-treating, it can be a little nerve-wracking because it’s such a different night for parents, but with some planning, it can be a safe and fun time for everyone. Here are some of our best tips for a happy, safe Halloween:
- Make sure that young children are accompanied by an adult chaperone you trust.
- If you are comfortable with your older children going out on their own, make sure they are traveling in a group, and make sure they map out where they are going to go and that you approve of their path.
- Make sure your kids know not to go inside of a stranger’s house. Only go to houses that have their lights on and look like they are participating.
- Instruct all children to put down their devices and watch where they are going, especially when crossing the street.
- Get flashlights for everyone. If your child’s candy bag is at all transparent, put a lit flashlight inside of it to improve people’s ability to see your child. If you have the option, make sure your child has something bright on her or his outfit, or put reflective tape on the costume.
- Don’t eat any candy until you get home. Have someone inspect the candy to avoid any candy that looks tampered with, and dispose of anything that the child is allergic to.
- Make sure the costumes don’t obstruct the children’s ability to see where they are going.
Keep these tips in mind, and celebrate safely. Happy Halloween!
By Bethanie Ryan