- A degree in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is indispensable for a wide variety of careers, from psychology to computer science to biostatistics. Attempting to find work in these historically male-dominated fields can be intimidating for women in STEM, but following in the footsteps of these inspirational heroes and with the abundance of resources that are out there, you can succeed in STEM as a female student and worker.
- Because women are underrepresented in STEM career fields, there are innumerable resources aimed at encouraging and making it possible for women to study STEM subjects full time at two- to four-year programs.
- Beyond the degree, there is increasing emphasis on recruiting women in the workplace. Companies are beginning to have important conversations about attracting women to apply for STEM jobs and being intentional about evaluating implicit bias when it comes to hiring, salaries, promotions, and work hours.
- Once you have an idea of what you want to study, there are many major-specific scholarships and grants for women studying geophysics to invertebrates. Scholarship databases are a good resource as you begin to search for the means to your degree. Here are just a few:
- CollegeBoard, in addition to its many tools for students taking the SAT and applying to colleges, also has a Scholarship Search program that will match your personal information with best-fitting scholarships. It’s also a good idea to read this, so that you’re aware of potential scholarship scams that could crop up in your search.
- The American Association of University Women (AAUW) awards a wide variety of local scholarships for women and scholarships for women in STEM, and for women seeking to change careers or re-enter the workforce, among others.
- NITRO has a database with preset searches for scholarships directed toward single parents, women, minorities, veterans, and students with disabilities, in addition to numerous other filters to help you find the scholarships that best fit you. Their guide to STEM scholarships for women is also a helpful tool.
U.S. News & World Report has a shorter, less overwhelming list of scholarships for women and minorities. The six women’s STEM scholarships they chose to list included the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, HP Helion OpenStack Scholarship, Palantir Scholarship for Women in Engineering, Society of Women Engineers, Women in Technology Scholarship program, and Association for Women Geoscientists.
By Annemarie Arnold