Trick-or-treating is not the only way to celebrate Halloween. For any number of reasons, trick-or-treating might not be ideal for your family. But there is always more than one way to celebrate!
Here are 10 ideas to have fun this Halloween!
- Attend a trick-or-treat event. Some localities put on special events, such as parades (and even creepy candy slides!), for Halloween to allow the kids to show off their costumes and get candy. Check out your local news sources to find an event near you.
- Go “Ghosting.” No, I don’t mean ignoring someone you went on a date with. This ghosting is to spread cheer, not avoid awkwardness. Put treats in a bag and leave it on someone’s doorstep with an invitation to leave treats for someone else.
- Have a scary movie marathon. Pop in your favorite scary movie or find some new family favorites, curl up on the couch, and have some fun. You can find movies on TV, with your favorite streaming service, or for free at the library.
- Throw a Halloween dance party! With the people of your household put on some spooky music and shake the pandemic angst out! This might be a good time to teach your kids some of those dances you remember from when you were a kid.
- Play Halloween-themed games. Just because you can’t go to a party doesn’t mean you can’t have one of your own. Check out this list or Pinterest for ideas.
- Taste test Halloween candies. Get small batches of all of your favorite candies and have the whole family try them and discuss which ones they like better.
- Decorate your home. Nothing helps lift the spirits like a decorated home! Put out your Halloween decorations and go to town with your front yard, or your windows if you don’t have a yard.
- Carve pumpkins. This Halloween classic doesn’t require any trick-or-treating The final product would be a great addition to your front porch or window.
- Make Halloween crafts and snacks. Make yummy, gross-looking Halloween-themed snacks. While you’re snacking, put your hands to work on some spooky Halloween-themed crafts.
- Host a virtual party. Invite your friends and family to join you on Zoom or Skype and swap scary stories.
There are many ways to celebrate Halloween. Don’t limit yourself to trick-or-treat.
By Bethanie Ryan