Your mental health is so important, but it can be hard to find time to take care of yourself. Luckily, you can improve your mental health even when you can’t take the day off or spend time with others! Here are 12 tips to help you get through challenging times:
- Go outside. If the weather is nice, take a walk around the block or to a park. It’s always refreshing to soak in the sun and fresh air.
- Exercise. Exercise can release all those feel-good hormones you need. It’ll also make you feel accomplished and proud of yourself.
- Keep to a routine. Routines make it easier to build in time for self-care, hobbies, and rest. They also provide stability when life is stressful.
- Do what you love. Watch a marathon of your favorite show. Read a book by your favorite author. Do your favorite hobby. Practice a sport or instrument.
- Pray or meditate. If you’re a spiritual or religious person, participating in religious practices can help center you and remind you of your higher power.
- Have your own dance party! Keep the music going throughout the day to keep you energized.
- Find a way to make someone else’s day better. Call a friend or family member, send someone a letter or card, or make a gift to thank someone who’s helped you.
- Serve your community. You could visit residents in a nursing home, volunteer to tutor a child, or advocate for a cause you care about. There are many online volunteering opportunities as well. Helping others will make you happier, too!
- Rest. Sleep is an extremely important aspect of mental health. It helps you think clearly, manage your emotions, and relate to others.
- Set aside electronics for a while. Phones and other devices can sometimes make you feel like you need to be constantly connected or productive. Social media can also make it tempting to compare yourself to others. Try setting your phone aside so you can relax and live in the moment.
- Visit a museum or garden. Getting out and immersing yourself in creative spaces can help soothe stress.
- Learn something new. There are tutorials for just about everything on YouTube. Is there something you have always wanted to learn? Now is the best time to do it!
- Cook and bake. There is nothing quite as satisfying as putting together ingredients to make something new. If you can, share it with a family member, friend, or neighbor.
- Keep a journal. Write down your thoughts and list 3 things you are grateful for every day.
By Clare Hettich